Thursday, March 24, 2011

final week before much needed SB.

This week has been kind of crazy for me, but maybe it's just cause I am so anxious for a much needed week off from school. Not a whole lot went on this week but I found myself in a lot of situations where I was thinking what if someone were to do this, or say this, in a situation where it wouldn't be likely or expected. So pretty much breaking social norms or folkways. On wego thru the tube last friday, there was a  perfect example of a folkway being broken by some kid walking around with a horse mask and scaring people. That is definitely not something you'd expect on a daily basis, and not a norm whatsoever. The past couple days, the temperature has dropped, unfortunately and many girls continue to still see those two days of sixty degree weather, as opportunities to wear shorts and mini skirts.... When I see that, not gonna lie, I tend to think like what the heck are they thinking? I understand a tank-top with jeans as long as there is a sweater worn with it too, but shorts when its like 35 degrees? I see that as breaking a norm. It may not stand out as much but it definitely could still be classified as that. Finally, my last example that I witnessed this week was actually today on my way to a pitching lesson. Now I am not completely sure if there was a reason as to why this person was doing this, but they were driving in their car and wearing a bike helmet. I can honestly say that I have not seen that in my life before and maybe it's just for extra safety? Who knows, but it's definitely a folkway and not something you see everyday. Not too mention it was completely hysterical and made my day :)

1 comment:

  1. You definately found some great examples of broken folkways there :) I'm with you on the makes spring with all its ups and downs with temps very frustrating.
